Monday, May 5, 2008

My favourite proverb - Calligraphy

When I was depressed, my friend told me "The past is no more, the future not yet". I felt that it's important for me to enjoy my life day by day and then one day, some outcome will come out....

When I stuck, I try to refresh with writing my favourite Japanese proverb. I have a couple of favourite proverbs.
初志貫徹(Shoshi kantetsu) ---carry out the original intention(purpose)
一期一会(Ichigo ichie) --- a once-in-a-lifetime chance(a special occasion).

I like the meaning of "Ichigo ichie". If I do everything as if it were a once-in-a-lifetime chance, I will be able to enjoy every moment and make effort without any pressure.

There are a couple of other proverbs as below.
森羅万象(Shinra Banshou) --- All things in the universe
花鳥風月(Kachou Fugetsu) --- the beauties of Nature
一視同仁(Ittshi Doujin) --- Universal brotherhood
気宇壮大(Kiu Soudai) --- A big hearted person

Calligraphy is pretty easy, just get a brush and black ink and write your favourite words. If you are interested in Kanji,please look at 50 popular Kanji, here.

Enjoy Japanese proverbs and Kanji!!!


Anonymous said...

Ohaio Kaz!
Very good, I like it. H.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kaz, looks great. All your bags are so gorgeous! I love the proverbs too. Any chance of adding fabric to your sales? Jacqui.