Hi, This article is just information to Vintage kimono bag buyers. As you know, "Vintage" means as same as your grand mother, existing for long!!.
About Vintage kimono, there are mostly occasionally used by some Japanese person for a long time.
For example, The third sash(Crane's ) was;
First stage was a wedding gown
Second stage was a celebration sash for the lady
Third stage is "Vintage kimono purse!"
Can you imagine how old the textile is now?
It is 100 years ago old since Wedding gown!!!!!
So we need look after as a great grand mother, if you got a real Vintage kimono bags.
The small tip how to maintain your vintage kimono bag;
1. Please use a furnishing protector such as scotch guard for keeping the stitching pattern on your textile.
2. When you don't use it, please hang up(if yours have handles), and also fill some paper in your bags for avoiding moisture and also keep the original shape.
I also can not recommend to wash the vintage kimono bag even hand wash, Please go to Cleaning specialist and ask which is the better way "Dry cleaning" or "Special water washing".
If any questions, please contact to me!
Anyway, hope you are enjoying the Vintage kimono world!!!!
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