The pictures are the bags which I used Japanese indigo kimono -summer cotton kimono"
yukata"(hand dyed), men's wool kimono(hand weaved). I looked the old article of my blog in 2008. I noticed that I was enjoying the indigo kimono. The reason why I have stopped making the indigo bags is; The vintage indigo kimono is pretty expensive now.

However, I feel really start to use the indigo kimono this year. The colour makes me very "calm down" - meditation and medication effect is big!
The exhibition was held this March 2011.
By the way, Yesterday, I had the kimono and paper flower workshop at Botanique Bazaar.
Thanks a lot for participants. I had the 2 session on that day. the 2nd class was a proper size and everybody finished 2 items. However, the 1st class was too big and I was sorry for everyone.
Anyway, I will try to improve the workshop style included ENGLISH EXPLANATION!!
Next Blog, I will have the workshop on my blog with pictures.